Hi! I'm Kailey!
After 12 years of business ownership, 10 years of marriage, and almost 5 years of motherhood, I have found that the invaluable lessons learned have become much more valuable and helpful if they are shared.
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“Oh. Okay God I see what you did there.”
Ever have something happen to you that at first you’re all “well WHAT THE HECK?!”
I Yelled at My Daughter Today.
I yelled at my daughter today. • This isn’t earth shattering to some (to most
You’re Enough.
You are enough. Maybe it takes an outsider looking in, to help you see all
Hail to the Boob.
It’s breastfeeding week. Hail to the boobs and all. Unfortunately I don’t have the greatest
Big Feelings.
My little Hanalei had some Big feelings this afternoon. She couldn’t quite explain to me
Raising Littles
Tip for Toddlers: Traveling
Of all the paths you take in life make sure a few of them leave
Raising Littles
5 Restful Places at Disneyland
When you are hoping to go all day with the fun and thrill of the