Have Hope.

Do you ever worry how you’ll explain to them about evil in this world? How you’ll put into words the tragedy of fear and loss. How you’ll make them understand that sometimes people do bad things, and it’s upsetting and very sad. I do. I do worry. I worry about the first time when Hanalei will learn about 9/11. How she’ll ask questions like “why mommy”. And I won’t have a clear answer. I worry how Gwen will be sitting in her history class and have to read about the hate that comes out of people’s hearts. And I worry that while our family will always fight for what is right and good in this world, that it won’t be enough to make change.

But, while I may worry I do have hope. I have a hope and I plan on passing this hope on to them in these conversations to come. And my hope is in God and His plan for our lives. A plan that’s greater than anything evil could stomp out. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world!” John 16:33